We offer HTML5 Outstream & Instream Video Players, VAST, VPAID, Google IMA compliance, video header bidding client-side, just to name a few. Our advanced innovations under the hood make interactions really easy on the surface. Welcome to Varrando video solutions.
Have premium inventory, but struggle to monetize? Use Varrando Outstream Video Player. Make full use of features such as autoplay, branding, watermarking, etc. Editorial content is still premium content. Monetize it as such.
“The technology that actually serves the ad impression is the most critical component. The software that actually drives the mechanism for ad serving must be determined to be working as it should and to be counting ads per the IAB Guidelines“ - from IAB
Varrando offers a broad range of products aimed to satisfy all demands: OutStream Video Player, InStream Video Player, Advanced Analytics and an advanced Ad Engine. Try one, or try all, to see which best fits your requirements.
We keep up with the fast-paced, ever-changing video advertising landscape and constantly roll out innovations such as OutStream Video formats. Have a peek to a set of demos under the "Solutions" tab.

Outstream Video Player Formats
VAST, VPAID, IMA compliance
Responsive HTML5 Video Player
Video Header Bidding Integration
Who benefits
Multiple ad tags competition. Cross-devices, cross-browsers compatibility. Performance based. Latency-proofed. etc.
Ad Networks
Time-out penalties for “no-ad” responses. Multiple ad tags competition. Capping. Analytics. Audience segmentation. etc.
Refine your brand with reliable video technologies. Deploy our solutions into your business flow for optimal results.

Main features
Best HTML5 Outstream and Instream Video Player
Use Varrando for video & editorial inventory. Run VAST, VPAID, VMAP, Google DFP video ads with the best HTML5 video player. Both Instream and Outstream players are IAB compliant.
Advanced Outstream Optimizations
Autoplay supported. Scales according to device while keeping the ad in view. Call to action controls while ad is running. Brand it for your needs: credits, watermark, header and footer, etc.
Multiple ad tags competition (parallel & sequential)
Varrando offers multiple ad tags competition for all of our models. Make full use of pre-optimizations for client-side video header bidding or waterfall. Monetize each impression.
Responsive HTML5 Video Player
Reach the next generation of customers on mobile devices and tablets. Varrando HTML5 Outstream video player works on any device and scales accordingly.
HLS Supported
Faster. More reliable. Use HLS streaming to deliver visual and audio media to audiences everywhere. Varrando video player supports HLS and HLS labels.
2 - 4 times smaller than every other player
Just 70KB compressed for everything: ads, video content, skins, playlist, etc. No external libraries. HTML5 does all the lifting. Flash is used for playback only.