Preload ads when it counts. Provide the velocity everyone is looking for. We take care of viewability and brand safety.
Control ad types and priorities. Select only HTML5 ads. Or make non-linear ads more relevant than linear ones. Viewers’ experience is what counts.
User frequency. Don’t want to exceed viewers tolerance level? Place a target for each visitor. When goals are met, reward them by giving free access to the content.
Control the quality of ad breaks. Limit the number of consecutive ads and the number of redirects from one ad server to another. Target only premium ads.
Complete support for all IAB specifications for VMAP, VAST, VPAID. Best interoperability with any ad server.
Run HTML5 / Flash ads regardless of the technology being used for content.
Placement & Optimizations
It’s time to use only the best ads. And the most profitable ones. At the right time. We give you the ultimate flexibility. Run any campaign you might think of, in any context, at any time.
Run multiple campaigns to maximize your revenue stream. Each with a specific share-of-voice. Learn every time. Optimize further. You can skip a “no-ads” campaign during a playback session.
Run different campaigns on different hours and flight dates. Not all ad partners perform best at the same time. Take notes. Refine. Run again. Gain experience. Maximize your revenue.
Add competition for inventory optimization: programmatic bidding and waterfall. Pre-optimizations available for both models. Effective an reliable. Try it out today!
Reports & Analytics
Improvement comes only by reporting and analyzing. What have you done right? What can be improved? Track progress for campaigns with millions of impression each day.
Generate custom reports by choosing relevant dimensions. Hourly based analytics & custom time-zone. Optimize on the fly using real-time metrics.
Enterprise Options
VPAID stand-alone component. Use our platform with any other player on the market. And still benefit from all the options we provide.
Impression capping. You may want to apply capping on your advertising campaigns for more flexibility and inventory optimization.
Performance analytics for ad requests. How performant are your ad partners? Do they respond in a proper time? What is their fill rate? Do they make any difference?
Custom analytics. Is there anything we missed from our analytics? Not a worry. Our analytics engine is the most affordable service to personalize any way you may deem fit. Let us know!