Ad tech domain is deeply troubled by a series of problems: brand safety, ad fraud, size-speed, lack of compliance with the IAB standards, buggy, too dense interfaces, ridiculously pricey, superficial reporting, incompatibility between components, lack of mobile friendly platforms.
Currently the ad tech industry hasn’t caught up in offering a HTML5 player with the same advertising options as Flash players used to have. There are solutions on the market, but none to support the flexibility of Flash.
YouTube is great in terms of distribution and hosting, but there are serious limitations of branding and monetization. Should medium-sized publishers wish to own and make enough revenue from their content, there is definitively need for other distribution channels with a lot more lenient terms.
Disparate solutions for such important issues makes it really expensive to over-come them. The adoption of so many and so various bits and pieces of technology discourages publishers, traders and brands to even try. Or, if they dip their toes into it once, drop it immediately on the grounds of players unpredictably responding to hidden agendas of said parties. Technology thus becomes more difficult than need be. The adoption rate from business without trained dev teams drops significantly, even at the cost of losing revenue in doing so.
Varrando offers a solution that the ad tech industry is long looking for. It unifies the gap between technology, brands, agencies, publishers (big and small), IAB folks, content protection, content distribution and monetization.
Varrando was deliberately developed to address the paradigm shifting, and the slowly, but surely dying of Flash. Varrando took the time to test the HTML5 player into production environments.
Varrando keeps it simple enough to have all settings under the same interface: drag-and-drop, click and set. This ease of use and multitude of monetization models encourages people to use, and, enthusiastically adopt advanced technologies they might otherwise shy away from.
Varrando responds to a rising need in online video: to offer a solution that allows content to be monetized and owned without the restrictions of big players such as YouTube. It can integrate with any 3rd party existing solutions through its VPAID component.