In a previous article, I covered VAST vs VPAID standards for online video ads in plain English. With examples and everything: https://varrando.com/what-is-vast-vpaid-how-about-a-vast-vpaid-video-player/
In this article I will assume all introductions are done; go straight into explaining what VAST/VPAID can do and summarize Varrando compliance for each one. Sort of a TD;LR for the people in the know who don’t have much time on their hands.
(Just in case, longer versions with advanced ad serving optimizations & detailed technical requirements: https://varrando.com/vast-vpaid-google-ima-outstream-video-ads-html5-video-player-match/ & https://varrando.com/best-html5-online-video-player-for-video-ads-monetization-review/)
So, quick, acronym-atic, recap:
- VAST (Video Ad Serving Template) is a universal schema for serving online video ads (XML schema);
- VPAID (Video Player-Ad Interface Definition) is a special ad type created for higher user interactivity & measurability (JavaScript code);
- IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) is an international consortium who creates VAST & VPAID;
- All video ads are VAST/VPAID compliant. Hence a compliant VAST/VPAID video player becomes a must-have for online content monetization.
For instance, video ads served through Google DFP are VAST & VPAID complaint. Outstream video ads (the new industry darling) are VAST & VPAID complaint. Mobile ads for Android (a popular request when monetizing video content) are VAST/VPAID compliant.
What I should also mention is the technology used to develop the video player. A VAST/VPAID complaint video player can be developed in HTML5 or Flash. The same must-have compliance applies, regardless of the video technology used. As of late, HTML5 gained a lot of popularity. Varrando has the most advanced HTML5 video player with ad engine seamlessly integrated. Flash is also supported, despite its fading disappearance from the video landscape.
Both VAST and VPAID are standards for serving online video ads. They were developed to streamline the video ad serving process world-wide. But, VAST is a XML syntax, VPAID is JavaScript code.
Moreover, a VAST response should contain a video ad. Including a VPAID ad. Why? Because VAST knows how to handle the following type of ads:
- Non-linear ads (overlays, usually found at the video bottom; i.e.an image);
- Video (pre-roll, post-roll, mid-roll);
- VPAID (ads with interactivity and measurability);
2. More concretely, what can VAST do?
A VAST tag “tells” the video player information such as: which ad to play (pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll), duration of the ad, whether the ad is skippable or not, if it has a companion banner, where to show the companion banner, etc. Of course, the video player (residing on publishers’ websites) knows how to “read” these instructions accordingly.
Now, since the first IAB VAST schema (2008?), new versions have emerged. As such, there are now 4 iterations of VAST schemas. Varrando, of course, kept up with all of them.
As such, Varrando has compliance for
- VAST 1.0
- VAST 2.0
- VAST 3.0
Ok. What about VPAID?
3. More concretely, what can VPAID do?
A VPAID enables a video player — ad communication. Depending on the user interaction, a VPAID (also known as “executable ad unit”) should become linear or non-linear. For instance, a VPAID code from a video player can track and register when a user clicks on an overlay. And do the switch as it happens. A linear video ad (regular video ad) should pause, “transform” in a non-linear ad (overlay), track the user click, then “transform” back in a linear ad and resume the regular video ad playing.
Varrando has compliance for
- VPAID 1.0
- VPAID 2.0
4. How else can publishers benefit from VAST & VPAID video ads with Varrando?
There are a few new “buzz” words in the video advertising lately such as video header bidding and outstream video formats. Ultimately, all of these innovations end up with a VAST response (which could even contain a VPAID ad).
I. Varrando offers the best outstream video player on the market for monetizing with video ads.
Long story, short, outstream video ads allow publishers from all walks of life to monetize their content with video ads. No video inventory required as a pre-requisite for this new format. Demo & benefits here: https://varrando.com/outstream-video-player/
II. Varrando is one of the few pioneers on the market who experiments with video header bidding (client-side).
Long story, short, video header bidding allows publishers to bid on inventory programmatically. This means, multiple, parallel requests to all ad partners in the same time. The most expensive ad is selected as a winning bid. It increases yield and transparency for publishers. Explanations, details and benefits here: https://varrando.com/what-is-video-header-bidding-programmatic-advertising-rtb-essentials-untangled/
So, what are you waiting for? Varrando is the only video player on the market that has all these solutions under the same umbrella. We’ve build our video player from 10+ years of technical experience in online video advertising. Performance, innovations and viewability were always our concerns. Don’t miss out! Get in touch!
As always, Happy Campaigning!